Posted by: Cathi Brese Doebler | March 8, 2011

Your journey

Joshua 24:17 “It was the LORD our God himself who brought us and our parents up out of Egypt, from that land of slavery, and performed those great signs before our eyes. He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled.”

There is a feeling of shock that comes over me when I leave a warm house and take that first step out into bitter cold. When I go outside for a long walk, I now have to wear a hat to cover my ears.  I search the closet for my gloves, hat, and warm coat to help protect me from the cold and wind outside.

In Joshua 24, we hear the Israelites talk about God’s protection, “He protected us on our entire journey.” Unlike a coat that we remove upon entering a warm house, God’s protection was with the Israelites on their “entire journey”. What a blessing that must have been for them!

Do you have days when you feel a need for protection? Have you asked God to protect you? Has He protected you even when you have forgotten to ask?

I can think of terrible mistakes I’ve made, where I could have been harmed, and yet God protected me. He kept me from hurting myself in a fall, He helped me to swerve away from that car, He brought a knowledgeable doctor to me in time.

God’s protection is not limited to the people who lived in biblical times. He wants us to reach out to Him now, today. He wants us to call out to Him, to pray for Him to be with us. He wants to be with you all of the time. Will you let Him protect you on your journey, on your “entire journey”?

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